Central Bible Academy Policy Agreement

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Children should arrive between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m. Classes will begin at 8:50 a.m. Classes will end at 11:20 a.m. and the children should be picked up no later than 11:30 a.m. A late fee will be charged for chronic lateness.

Children should enter through the west door of the Family Life Center. Children should be walked to the gym the first few days but allowed to walk in independently as soon as they are ready. Our practice is to keep outside doors locked during school hours. Doors will be opened during drop-off time until about 9:00 and again about 11:15. Please ring the bell when you need to enter but be prepared to wait if teachers are unable to leave their children.

Children should wear clothing suitable for the weather. Any sweaters, coats, or jackets should be labeled with the child’s name. Washable play clothes are much preferred to dress clothes. Court shoes or rubber-soled shoes are safer than slick soled shoes for gym play and must be worn. Flip-flops are not allowed.

Tuition will be due the first day of each month. No allowances will be made for days a child is not present due to illness, weather or visits away from home. If for some reason a child drops out of school, the director should be notified in advance. Tuition will be required until official notice is received.

Parents may supply refreshments for birthday and holiday parties if desired. Most snacks and supplies are provided from tuition fees. We encourage healthful treats rather than sugar treats.

Tuition, Supply Fee & Contract Agreement

If possible, send the supply fee with enrollment form. It is refundable until August 1 by notifying the director of withdrawal. Thank you!

Supply Fee: $80.00

Beginners- Tues & Thursday, 9:00-11:30: $120 a month

3 year old class- Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00-11:30: $160 a month

4 year old class- Mon-Fri, 9:00-11:30: $200 a month

*A tuition discount may be requested for Central Church of Christ members who are paying their own child’s tuition. Other scholarships may also be available. Please bring tuition questions to the attention of the Director. (rev 2022)

Tuition payments are due the first day of each month, in advance. The supply fee is due upon enrollment and must accompany your application. No reduction in monthly tuition will be made for early withdrawals or absence from school due to sickness, bad weather, or other causes. I agree to pay the charges due in tuition at the time designated for the entire nine month term, unless we move from this city or some unusual situation arises.

STAY AND PLAY (Once a Month Only)

Stay ‘n Play is an enrichment feature of our program for Threes and PreK classes. The children bring a sack lunch and stay for lunch and free play experience.  They are picked up at 1:30 on their Stay ‘n Play day. This is an optional service at the additional charge of $3.00 per day paid at the end of the month. Both children and mothers seem to enjoy lunch out with friends.


Children may bring a favorite toy, book, or anything that gives him/her a more secure feeling. Please do not allow children to bring mouth toys such as horns, balloons, whistles, etc. or guns, knives, or any sharp toy. They should not bring expensive toys that might get broken or toys that they might not wish to share with other children. They should not bring money, gum, or candy except on special occasions when they can share with all the children. Children may bring items for “Show and Tell” as designated by their teacher.

Class activities will include creative play, self-expression, motor control through art and music, basic number concepts, and pre-reading readiness. We wish to convey Christian attitudes and will include a daily devotional and Bible story. Children are expected to treat others with respect.

Please inform us of any changes in your child’s routine which might be disturbing to him/her; that is, a move, a new family member, a change in medication, a parent’s new job, etc…

Please do not bring a sick child. Keep your child at home if he has cold symptoms, for many contagious diseases start with cold symptoms. If your child has fever or is sick during the past 24 hours, please do not bring him/her. This is for your child’s own welfare as well as others. In the event of a surge in illness, we will re-institute all Covid 19 precautions.

We welcome visits and conferences with parents at any time. We feel that a close relationship between the school and home is essential to the progress of the child. If there are any questions, please feel free to call. The phone number at the Family Life center is 580-332-3261. You may leave a message with the aide if the teacher is with her class.



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